Question Sessions:
I’ve just selected some of the better recommendations you might want to incorporate into your next question session:
Allow time for questions. Your Q&A (Questions and Answers) form part of the presentation so make sure you allow for questions and then finish under time. If you go ‘over time’ then you will lose the audience.
Always think beforehand and prepare one question you can ask yourself if then are no questions from the floor. Please, make sure you know the answer if you do ask yourself the first question!
Pause. Once you ask for questions the audience needs time to think so you need to stay silent. Try counting to 7 (in your head!) after you ask “Are there any questions?” It’s a long pause for you but adequate time for the audience to think.
Do Not Pack-up. Do not collect your notes, pack up your laptop, turn your back… if you do anything like this while waiting for questions you will signal to the audience that are finished.
Repeat the question. Use either the Verbatim Method: “What is the price of eggs in China? $0.48 a dozen.” or use the Statement Method: “The price of eggs in China is $0.48 per dozen.” Use a combination of both throughout your Q&A session so that you don’t start to sound repetitive.
Finally, if you don’t know the answer to a question then simply say so and if appropriate defer it. Example: “I’m sorry but I don’t know what the price of eggs are in China. If I may I’ll find out when I get back to the office and email you the answer. Is that okay?”