Monthly Archives: June 2012


In Summary…

In Summary… What goes through your mind when you hear a presenter say, “In summary…”? For most of us it snaps our attention back to the presenter because, to be honest, we think they are about to finish and perhaps we had drifted away in our minds to other pressing matters and the summary will […]
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You’ll Be Great!

Give it To Me Straight One way to make sure we constantly improve is to get feedback. The very best feedback is by watching a recording of your presentation. Sounds like a horrible thing to do but it’s very effective. Alternatively, ask for feedback from a colleague or a mentor. Ensure that you ask your […]
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Be Prepared A lot of our presentation anxiety can be nullified or at least minimised by knowing that we have prepared well. Here are some ideas that you may find useful as the presentation time approaches.     Practice. Do this at least three times, standing up and speaking aloud – as loud as you intend […]
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Welcome to the June 2012 edition of TorqueTime

Greetings and here’s hoping that your year is progressing nicely (June already!). How are those presentations going? Do you ever get that odd sensation once you’ve sat done from delivering a presentation and think to yourself, “That could have gone better.” Hopefully there are some ideas within that just might help you with that. A […]
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