
You’ll Be Great!

You’ll Be Great!

Give it To Me Straight

One way to make sure we constantly improve is to get feedback. The very best feedback is by watching a recording of your presentation. Sounds like a horrible thing to do but it’s very effective.

Alternatively, ask for feedback from a colleague or a mentor. Ensure that you ask your nominated person for the feedback before you make the presentation. It’s pointless asking for meaningful suggestions only after you’ve delivered the presentation.

Be specific. You are probably asking for the feedback because you have doubts about some aspects of the presentation or your delivery skills. So make sure that your colleague is made aware of your areas of concerns, that way those areas are specifically noted and commented upon.

Generally it is not a good idea to ask a junior colleague as they might be intimidated by your seniority. By default that leaves peers and superiors as ideal candidates to give you feedback.

When making presentations outside your industry, i.e.; to the general public, it might be prudent to ask a friend or family member to sit and listen. Ask them if they  understand your message and if you are using any industry specific words or terminology that might not be understood by the audience.

Feedback forms from the audience themselves (at the conclusion of the presentation) is an option however they are generally lacking in meaningful suggestions for improvement. Make other and more practical arrangements.

By continual practice, preparation and feedback you can dramatically improve your presentation skills. It really is as simple as ‘the more you do, the better you get’. Go for it. By the way, I’m sure you’ll be great.

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