If you are the MC or you’ve landed the role of introducing the speaker then you need to have a simple formula that allows you to quickly gather the right information (about the speaker) and place it in the correct order. So here’s the formula, I’ve used myself as the person to introduce by way of example:
Name: David Nottage
Title/Position: Director of Torque Limited
Credibility: 1996 World Champion of Public Speaking
Purpose: Business Presentation Skills
Name: David Nottage
Once you have the information, even if it is in bullet point form as above, then you should be able to stand up and introduce me. It might sound a little bit like this:
Ladies and gentlemen our next conference speaker is David Nottage (Name). He is the Director of Torque Limited (Title/Position) and in 1996 he won the World Championship of Public Speaking (Credibility). Today he will talk to us about Business Presentation Skills (Purpose). Please welcome David Nottage (Name).
That’s all there is to it. Simple. The best person to supply you with the information is the speaker themselves so send them an email and ask a couple of questions and you’ll be set in give them a professional introduction. One final tip; if you want the audience to applaud the speaker up to the stage then you start the clapping as you finish the introduction. If you clap then the audience will, if you don’t then the audience won’t. Start the applause.