3 Key Points
Most presenters tend to swamp their audiences with a multitude of reasons as to why the audience should do as they say. Within minutes the audience is comatosed. The magic number is three. You need to find three major points (reasons) as to why the audience should follow your recommendations and then prove them (more on that later).
Three Points
Three points is the ideal. I’ve heard some good presentations that have two points and others with four but let’s stick to the best, three. Two points is coincidence and four points is berating. Three points are easy for the audience to remember and they won’t ‘switch off’ because you will be addressing the 13 reasons why… Three points makes it extremely easy for you to remember! How on earth would you remember the nine crucial points… unless of course you opt for the famous ‘Death by PowerPoint’ option which is a regular in boardrooms. Perhaps the best reason for only having three points is that it allows you sufficient time to prove each point. And just how do you ‘prove’ your points?