
Welcome to the Easter 2011 edition of TorqueTime

Welcome to the Easter 2011 edition of TorqueTime

Greetings and welcome to the Easter Edition of TorqueTime.

Here’s a challenge… It is easy to convince ourselves that we can’t change a lot of the things that impact upon our lives, whereas quite the opposite is true.

It is our individual beliefs, values and sense of self worth that form who we are and how we allow the outside world to impact upon us. If we can’t change the world then let’s change ourselves. Improve one aspect about us, be a better person, so that we stand taller, more confident and look life square in the eyes. We are a player in this game of life, and how we play will make a difference to someone, some-time, somewhere.

Set some goals and challenges for this year. Make some of them hard, others easy. Some that can be accomplished in a few days while one or two might stretch your resources to complete within the year. Become busy doing something that makes a difference to you, a difference in you. Then no matter what this crazy world throws at us, at least we’ll be the better person to deal with it.

Here are a few ‘skills’ that you may wish to add to your list…

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