
Public Course on 3rd & 4th of April 2013

Public Course on 3rd & 4th of April 2013

Business Presentations Skills Course

All the 2012 courses sold so please book your places early for the next course.  The 3rd & 4th of April are the dates for the next Public Course. Please be quick though, we only take six people the seats go pretty quickly.  If you have a presentation that needs to be dynamic and highly effective or if you simply want great skills as a presenter then register for the two day ‘Business Presentation Skills’ course in April.

All participants receive a copy of the new double ‘CD The Business of Talking’, which makes the course the best value ever and you get to retain the lessons learned for life! So get the skills, keep the skills, use the skills. Register your interest today and we’ll send you the information.

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