About Us
We bring out the best in you!

David Nottage
TORQUE Ltd was founded in 1994 by David Nottage, a World Champion of Public Speaking. David has been actively involved with presentation skills for over 28 years and his ambition was to use his knowledge and skills to help people to be more confident in their Business Presentations and Communication Skills.
TORQUE’s motto is; ‘Presentations that work for life’ and David certainly practices what he preaches as is evident by his many successes. The same techniques and skills David used to win the prestigious title of World Champion can be yours to use to win multi million dollar contracts, secure executive promotions or simply stand up at your child’s school and express your thoughts and concerns.
David attributes his success to a combination of factors including his goals and aspirations to become a World Champion. As a professional trainer and speaker he believes the single most important factor in being successful in business is to generate and maintain an effective team who can represent their organisation in a dynamic and professional manner.
David is an Australian born New Zealander, a Kiwi with an attitude, an attitude for success. He has come a long way in the past twenty plus years from someone who was too scared to speak in front of a group of four people without a massive anxiety attack, to being a dynamic presenter who eclipsed over 20,000 Toastmasters to win the ultimate pinnacle in public speaking, the World Championship for Toastmasters International.
Torque Business is celebrating over 20 years of helping people with their presentations.