Trusted Trainers
The people behind your success.
Every now and again we are asked to provide services that are not in our realm of expertise. Rather than trying to be all things to every client we prefer to recommend known specialists in their respective fields.
The trainers, speakers and organisations below represent those people who I gladly and freely endorse as experts in their fields. I have had the pleasure of seeing them in action and know the level of professionalism and service which they provide.
If you are looking for training in any of the following areas or a speaker of supreme class then I recommend you click on their link and discuss your requirements.
I know you will not be disappointed.

Speaker, Coach, Workshop Facilitator
Julie Raine
Recognised as one of New Zealand's 50 Top Women of Achievement 2016, Finalist for Westpac Women of Influence - Diversity 2016, Julie is well qualified to deliver empowering tailor-made Workshops on Diversity, Goal Setting and Tender Strategies based on her 30+ years of experience in the engineering industry. Julie's website is

Time Management, Work/Life Balance & Business Productivity Skills
Robyn Pearce CSP
If you or your people struggle with either individual or organisational performance, you'll be delighted to work with Robyn Pearce the Time Queen. She's one of the top specialists in the world at helping people solve their time problems.

Personality Plus Skills
Alison Mooney
Pressing the Right Buttons Allison Mooney infuses a desire in her audience to significantly increase their own performance capability, while constantly improving the quality of their lives and the lives of those with whom they come in contact with. A people expert, “she understands people like fishermen know their fish!” Author and winner of many prestigious speaking awards, Allison’s “call to action” will send you away inspired, and challenged.