
Welcome to the July 2010 edition of TorqueTime

Welcome to the July 2010 edition of TorqueTime

Oops! I made a mistake. Welcome to the July Edition of TorqueTime. I probably sent you an email asking you to vote for me and that there was only two days to go. That wasn’t true… I misread an email from the organisers and to cut a long story short, I goofed. But what happens when you’re making a presentation and you make a mistake? There is little time to get back on track, so best you have some strategies. That’s what we cover in this edition; what can you do when it all turns to custard.

STOP PRESS:  We’ve been nominated once again for the ‘Corporate Events Guide 2010 Peoples Choice Awards’. We were thrilled to have won the title last year and ask that (if appropriate) you vote for us in this year’s competition by clicking on the above icon and following the instructions. Thank you to those who already have and my apologies again for giving everyone the wrong date! Voting closes in October – grief. Kindest regards, David.

Posted in Blog