Author: Torque Online


Third: Prove It

Prove It Think about the last time you were engrossed by a presentation… the presenter probably told you three key points and then proved them to you. How did the presenter do that? He or she told you stories. Stories provide amazing proof because they allow the audience to literally ‘put themselves in the picture’. […]
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Second: Why Do They Want It?

3 Key Points Most presenters tend to swamp their audiences with a multitude of reasons as to why the audience should do as they say. Within minutes the audience is comatosed. The magic number is three. You need to find three major points (reasons) as to why the audience should follow your recommendations and then […]
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First: What Do They Want?

What Do You Want? If you are going to make a presentation then surely the question you must ask yourself is “What do I want this audience to do now that they have heard my presentation?” Is it to buy your product? To engage your services? To change the way they work or live? Is […]
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Public Courses for 2011: March is a sell-out!

The next course will take place on the 30th & 31st May 2011. This ‘Business Presentation Skills’ course is designed to allow you to stand up and deliver your message with ‘Confidence and Competence’. You will be in a comfortable environment with a handful of other people (maximum of six) seeking similar outcomes to yourself. […]
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Thank You New Zealand

We’ve once again won the Corporate Events Guide People’s choice Award for Best Trainers in New Zealand. A huge thanks to everyone who voted and for us. I’d like to think the reason why we’ve won the last two years in a row is because what we do, works. I get a real ‘kick’ from […]
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Welcome to the March 2011 edition of TorqueTime

Greetings and welcome to the March Edition of TorqueTime. To all of our friends in Christchurch, sometimes words are not enough, yet for some they are all we can offer. You are foremost in our thoughts and in our minds. We will not forget you nor abandon you. In this edition we’ll try to help […]
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Questions, Questions, Questions…

Question Sessions: I’ve just selected some of the better recommendations you might want to incorporate into your next question session: Allow time for questions. Your Q&A (Questions and Answers) form part of the presentation so make sure you allow for questions and then finish under time. If you go ‘over time’ then you will lose […]
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Introductions If you are the MC or you’ve landed the role of introducing the speaker then you need to have a simple formula that allows you to quickly gather the right information (about the speaker) and place it in the correct order. So here’s the formula, I’ve used myself as the person to introduce by […]
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Three: The Magic Number

The Magic ‘3’ In a recent speech US President Obama cited something along the following lines, “It doesn’t matter if you are a farmer in Alabama, a car maker in Detroit or a banker on Wall Street, we each have a responsibility to foster and develop all that is good about America…”. The reference to […]
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We’ve once again won the ‘Corporate Events Guide Peoples Choice Awards for 2010 as Best Nationwide Trainers’. We were thrilled to have won the title last year and to win it again is a real honour. Thank you to those who took the time to vote for us and we hope to continue to provide […]
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