


  The dates for the next Public Courses on Business Presentation Skills will be in 2020 in Auckland.  Watch this space for upcoming dates. kuffert tilbud make up astor skin match kuffert tilbud make up astor skin match This two day course will greatly […]
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3 Ways to Overcome Anxiety When Presenting

I’ve often covered the anxiety created by presentations and how to deal with the problem. We know that the reaction we have to the stress causes us to look less than what we would ideally like to portray. stojalo za perilo vileda krásne ľahko oteplené dámske kozačky דלתא הלבשה תחתונה שירות לקוחות stojalo za perilo […]

Presentation Skills… Saying it with Pictures

A picture is worth a 1000 words… so make sure your presentations use this powerful medium. דלתא הלבשה תחתונה שירות לקוחות adidas deerupt panske zelene tričká s potlačou kuffert tilbud billi bi støvletter damske teplaky kuffert tilbud דלתא הלבשה תחתונה שירות לקוחות kuffert tilbud adidas deerupt panske zelene דלתא הלבשה תחתונה […]

Your Communication Skills. Can’t Help Myself … Bad Habits

Your communication skills.  Bad Habits… The bane of all presenters would be having a ‘bad habit’ in front of the audience. If you think about what makes a bad habit then you would realise that it’s repetition. It’s only when we do something continually that it attracts attention. If repetition is the problem then variety […]

Confidence Counts When Presenting

You’re sitting at your desk early one morning and the phone rings. It’s the boss and he asks you if you could do him a favour. He’s meant to address a small group of business people at the Town Hall at 4:00 o’clock that afternoon but something has come up and he can’t be there. […]

Basic Powerful PowerPoint Tips for Presenting

Less is MoreThe fewer words used on a slide the impact they have. Learn to bullet point your key messages and that way they will have a greater emphasis on the screen. An example, rather then showing; “We are number 1 in sales for 2009” it would be more tričká s potlačou […]
Posted in Tips & Advice

More Powerful PowerPoint Tips

A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words Consider incorporating more pictures into your presentation. Aided with the web and digital cameras there really isn’t a reason why you can’t have current and impactful pictures to prove your points. I’m not talking about your company’s template, that’s not a billi bi støvletter potlac na tricka […]
Posted in Tips & Advice

When You Present, Be The Expert!

If you come across to the audience as an expert then your material takes on an elevated degree of credibility. Couple this with looking confident and you will have a winning presence in front of the audience. Here are three simple ideas that allow you to increase the audience’s perception of your expertise: Introduction. Write your own […]
Posted in Tips & Advice

Fear of Speaking | Three Step Approach

Here are three seemingly simple steps that will make you appear and sound more confident. It should be as easy as 1… 2… 3… Step 1 Slow DownWe have all seen it, the presenter approaches the make up astor skin match stojalo za perilo vileda שטיח פרסי תל אביב stojalo za perilo […]
Posted in Tips & Advice

Death by PowerPoint

I’m sure you’ve seen it before, ‘Death by PowerPoint’. It’s fast becoming the normal format for presentations and it’s killing off empathy and putting audiences asleep every time. The biggest reason for it is thus: The presenter reads from a comprehensive set of notes, the same notes appear as the slideshow and the same set of notes is […]
Posted in Tips & Advice