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Why Me? Why Does My Mind Go Blank?

Blank. Nothing. Zip. When the subconscious mind identifies a potential threat either to the physical body or to the ego, it automatically activates the ‘Flight and Fight’ response. It’s (the subconscious) trying to make sure you can be as fast as you can be to take flight, or, as strong as you can be to […]
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Public Courses for 2010: (Next: 3rd & 4th August!)

The next course will take place on 3rd and 4th of August 2010 This ‘Business Presentation Skills’ course is designed to allow you to stand up and deliver your message with ‘Confidence and Competence’. You will be in a comfortable environment with a handful of other people (maximum of six) seeking similar outcomes to yourself. […]
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Welcome to the July 2010 edition of TorqueTime

Oops! I made a mistake. Welcome to the July Edition of TorqueTime. I probably sent you an email asking you to vote for me and that there was only two days to go. That wasn’t true… I misread an email from the organisers and to cut a long story short, I goofed. But what happens […]
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